From the President’s desk
Hi everyone
As you know, my father lives in Adelaide, has reached 93 years young, and I have been visiting every month lately.
His recent hospitalisation and rehabilitation have been a bit of a stressful time, and my obligations to you and the Board have slipped.
After talking it through with my partner Brian, I have decided that a Leave of Absence from the Club and my presidency is the best course of action for me over the next 6 months.   
The Board will determine someone to take over for the next couple of months, and it will be up to you, the club members, to determine your new president going into 2023-24. I’ll drop in from time to time, especially with the new Zoom meeting times.
Andrea Conti
Last week’s meeting
Last week we heard from our National Youth Science Forum participant, Arya, about her experiences with the Forum. Pictures is Member Liz thanking Arya for her presentation.
Peace Bell Tours
A successful Saturday (15 April) for the Peace Bell with two excellent tours conducted as part of the ACT Heritage Festival. Warrick took the first group of 7 while Russell took a second group of 8. The tours took people through Lennox Gardens with stops in the Beijing Gardens, The Nara Peace Park, Peace Pole 100 and finishing at the Peace Bell where everyone attending struck the bell. An unexpected occurrence as Russell’s group approached the Bell, they head the sounds of John Lennon’s Imagine being played for a small group of Peace dancers who had gathered beside the Bell. On hearing that the song was also sung at the opening of the Bell by students from St Vincent’s primary and Mawson primary everyone was moved by the connections. In fact, later Michael returned to this Peace group, explained the history of the Bell, and conducted a ceremony where all of those participants also rang the Bell. Peace was in the air on Saturday. While we had hoped for greater numbers on the day all in all it was a very successful outcome. Special thanks to both Russell and Warrick.
If you’re considering booking, here’s what one couple who went on the tour wrote:
“Dear Michael & Russell
Thank you so much for your guided tour yesterday. We spend a LOT of time studying history, progressive politics and social justice, and Canberra is a shining light for such pursuits, in Australia. We visit the park quite often and have been to that Japanese light festival, rung the bell, inter alia. But we had missed most of the plaques that you showed us yesterday and we really appreciated the background and insights that you both shared. 
I think that it would be wonderful if you could expose more adults to this inspirational tour. 
Thanks again for taking the time to give the tour yesterday.
Bede & Sylvia”
Michael Rabey
Peace Pole ahoy!
The Rotary 100 Peace Pole Project continues to have an impact. Last Saturday, Peace Pole 278 was unveiled on the training ship Windward Bound, in Tasmania. Ships such as this take young people as crew on a leadership program for young people who need a hand up. This pole was donated by Rotary District 9830 Tasmania with thanks to the efforts of David Annear and Peter Clapinsji from May Peace Prevail on Earth International. Above is a selection of phots from the event.
Michael Rabey
Next meeting
Our next meeting be on 20 April at the Commonwealth Club at 12.15 for 12.30 pm. Our speaker will be Bidda Jones from the Australian Alliance for Animals, who will speak about the role, operations and policy challenges of the Australian Alliance for Animals.
Duty Roster
20 April
27 April
4 May
11 May
Ross Brown
Ross Brown
Ross Brown
Ross Brown
Open meeting and introduce President
Bill Andrews
Keith Gray
Russell Dew
Stephen McMillan
Toast to Rotary at Work
Judy Raymond
Sally Goodspeed
George Wilson
Liz Scrivener
Thank speaker and write up for Bulletin
Warrick Howieson
Juris Jakovics
Michael Rabey
Astrida Upitis
If you are not able to perform your allocated duty, please arrange a replacement and advise the acting President. Please advise Stephen of any planned absences to avoid being rostered on while away.
Last week to get tickets!
All proceeds help tackle poverty and malnutrition in the poor farming communities of eastern Indonesia
Friday 28 April 2023
6.30 – 9.00pm
Canberra Southern Cross Club
Corinna Street, Woden
Indonesian Meal
Beef Rendang
Gulai Ayam
Coconut Rice
Gado gado
+ sweets
$80 per person
(Ask about a table for 10)
Guest Speaker: Peter Stanton will present on:
'A personal snapshot of NTA communities and activities using images from donor trips’
There will be entertainment a raffle, silent auction and more
Tickets are on sale until 20 April
For more information contact or call 0406930835
The lighter side of life
Confucius didn’t say this:
  • Man who wants pretty nurse must be patient.
  • Passionate kiss is like spider web, leads to undoing of fly.
  • Lady who goes camping with man must beware of evil intent.
  • Squirrel who runs up woman's leg will not find nuts.
  • Man who leaps off cliff jumps to conclusion.
  • Man who runs in front of car gets tired, but man who runs behind car gets exhausted.
  • Man who indulges and eats many prunes get good run for money
  • War does not determine who is right; it determines who is left.
  • Man who fights with wife all day get no piece at night.
  • It takes many nails to build a crib, but only one screw to fill it.
  • Man who drives like hell is bound to get there.
  • Man who stands on toilet is high on pot.
  • Wise man does not keep sledgehammer and slow computer in same room.
  • Man who lives in glass house should change clothes in basement.
And Confucius Did Not Say:
  • A man with lion in his heart will not cheat on his wife, but a Tiger  Wood!
Eric Carmody
And, speaking of golfers cheating, this Pickles comic (courtesy of a Facebook page) is relevant:
Found on the world wide web by the Editor
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