Peace Bell Heritage Tours
The second piece of news is to congratulate Warrick, Russell and Bill for conducting tours earlier this month through Lennox Gardens to the Peace Bell, as part of the Heritage Festival. It was a beautiful day, the sun was shining and among our the guests was Narelle Hargraves, the Chair of the Sister City Committee. About $300 was raised for the Club through the three tours.
Michael Rabey
Next meeting
Our next meeting be on 27 April at the Commonwealth Club at 12.15 for 12.30 pm. We will hear from Katherine Trebeck, who will talk about her book The Next Economy. In it she asks questions such as: What do we want from economic growth? What sort of a society are we aiming for?
Duty Roster
27 April
4 May
11 May
25 May
Ross Brown
Ross Brown
Ross Brown
Ross Brown
Open meeting and introduce President
Keith Gray
Russell Dew
Stephen McMillan
Bill Andrews
Toast to Rotary at Work
Sally Goodspeed
George Wilson
Liz Scrivener
Eric Carmody
Thank speaker and write up for Bulletin
Juris Jakovics
Michael Rabey
Astrida Upitis
Judy Raymond
If you are not able to perform your allocated duty, please arrange a replacement and advise the acting President. Please advise Stephen of any planned absences to avoid being rostered on while away.
To think about