Last Monday, 11 September, at Mawson Primary School, several hundred students, staff and parents participated in a wonderfully prepared ceremony around the Peace Pole in their play area. Bill and Amanda Andrews (who was the school's previous Principal), were there to present the message from the United Nation's Secretary General highlighting the issues effecting world peace at the present time and seeking the students' commitment to pursuing Peace. The school leaders conducted the ceremony with several students individually reading a line from Lao-tzu peace poem, and then reading out the message of Peace in the various languages painted on their Peace Pole.
The school had previously restored the pole which was one of the first (3/100) so that it is now "Mawson school blue" which highlights the printed messages on each of the sides of the Pole. It is an improvement we should look at for future restorations as the Poles deteriorate with age.
Students presented Bill with a box of folded cranes which we promised would be sent to Hiroshima Peace park and hung at the Sadako Peace memorial.
The ceremony concluded. with an enthusiastic rendition of the National Anthem. There were many thanks from teachers and students and a promise to repeat the ceremony next year. It was a memorable event.
Bill Andrews
Next meeting
On Thursday, 14 September, we meet on Zoom, to hear from Past Club President and now Honorary member Terry Newman, who will update us on “The changing face of China”. The link to join is:
Michael will kindly open the link at noon for informal interaction ahead of the meeting start at 12:30 pm.
Duty Roster
14 September
21 September
28 September
5 October
Peace Bell
Informal meeting
Ross Brown
Open meeting; introduce President; and Toast to Rotary
Michael Rabey
Peace Bell
Informal meeting
Juris Jakovics
Thank speaker and write up for Bulletin
Keith Gray
Peace Bell
Informal meeting
Russell Dew
If you are not able to perform your allocated duty, please arrange a replacement and advise Acting President Ross. Please advise Stephen of any planned absences to avoid being rostered on while away.
Rotary elsewhere