From the Editor
Greetings from Chinchilla, Queensland (the watermelon capital of Australia). As well as a report on some activities of Chinchilla’s Rotary Club, there’s a report on last meeting’s presentation and information on the coming weekend’s Model United Nations Assembly, both kindly provided by Russell; there’s information on the stickers we’ve provided to Majura Primary School; and information on the next meeting, including the duty roster. A reminder: the Club will meet on Zoom this Thursday. And finally, a humorous take on looking for the silver lining in any situation.
Last week’s meeting: Travelling around Australia: What is the best option?
Russell provided a detailed analysis of what could be the cheapest way to travel around Australia, by car/caravan, by small/medium car, or by flying/driving. Issues considered were the costs of fuel, caravan parks, hotels, maintenance, depreciation and airfares. The scenario considered was for six-week trips every year for five years going up through central NSW and Queensland to Cairns, then onto Darwin, Uluru and back down through Adelaide to Canberra. All these roads are sealed so a modern small to medium car could travel these roads safely.
The cheapest cost was the fly/drive option which covered the cost of the air travel, car hire in each destination and 3 star hotel accommodation. The next cheapest was driving a small or medium car around Australia and staying at 3 star hotels.  The most expensive option was buying a 19-foot caravan with shower, and toilet, and a medium sized four-wheel drive vehicle to pull the caravan. This was mostly due to the loss of capital that would need to be invested or borrowed for the 4-wheel drive and caravan plus the depreciation on these assets. The car/caravan option was 4.6 times more expensive than the fly/drive option over 5 years.
If you’d like copy of Russell’s presentation, please email him on
Russell Dew
Stickers for Melrose Primary School book prizes
Melrose Primary School awards book prizes to students who exemplify the school values. These books are funded through our Club, as part of our values and citizenship partnership with the school. Last week I gave the School 200 stickers to put in books that are awarded as prizes. This will provide a lasting reminder of our contribution, and I hope generate goodwill towards our Club and Rotary for many years after the prizes are handed out.
Here's what the stickers look like:
The School has thanked the Club for the stickers and said the Librarian has already started putting them in the inside front covers of the prize books.
Stephen McMillan
Model United Nations Assembly
The Rotary Club of Canberra Sunrise is all set for another successful National Model United Nations Assembly (MUNA), to be held in the Senate Chamber of the Museum of Australian Democracy (MoAD), otherwise well-known as Old Parliament House, on 12 – 13 August 2023.
This United Nations-like Assembly will increase the participating students’ (delegates’) sense of international understanding and goodwill, one of the primary goals of Rotary International. All students who will be participating in the Assembly are encouraged to dress in the national costume of the country they are representing for the Assembly deliberations.
They have 17 confirmed team registrations. We will have delegates traveling from as far away as Terrigal, Sydney, Narooma, Moruya, Brighton, Bowral/Mittagong, in addition to a number of local teams from the Canberra region.
The Resolutions to be debated are:
Resolution C – The Situation in the South China Sea
Resolution D – Strengthening the role of the UN in the promotion of democratization and enhancing periodic and genuine elections
Resolution E – Preventing and combatting crimes that affect the environment
Resolution F – State of global food security
Resolution I – A global call for concrete action for the elimination of racism, racial discrimination, xenophobia and related intolerance
Resolution J – The Situation in Myanmar
There is no fee to attend and the setting in the Old Parliament House provides gravitas to the debates. The students from Year 12 are well practiced in their presentations and it is a delight to see young and able students in our school system grasp the details of the debates. Russell Dew will be adjudicating the Saturday sessions. Come along if you are free, and listen to some entertaining debates.
Russell Dew
Chinchilla Rotary Centennial Park
The Rotary wheel turns as water flows from the pipe above.
Bottle tree planed by members of the Chinchilla Rotary Club.
The BBQ area with two tables and seating. There's also a separate covered picnic area with a larger table and seating. 
The Rotary Centennial Park in Chinchilla is a neat, well-maintained area, with public toilets, a free electric barbecue, and a sheltered picnic table and benches. It also features a water wheel that turns all the time, commemorating Rotary International’s centenary in 2005. The Rotary Club of Chinchilla continues to take an active interest in the park: on this year’s International Tree Day (30 June), Club members planted a bottle tree in the park, publicising this on Facebook (
Stephen McMillan
Next meeting
The next Club meeting will be on Zoom. Our guest speaker will be Asmi Wood, Sub-Dean (Indigenous) in the ANU College of Law, who will speak in the Voice and Treaty proposals. As usual, Michael Rabey will kindly open the meeting link at noon to enable social interaction before the formal meeting starts at 12:30 pm. The link for the Zoom meeting is:
Duty Roster
10 August
17 August
24 August
31 August
Ross Brown
Informal meeting
Ross Brown
Open meeting; introduce President; and Toast to Rotary
Faye Powell
Stephen McMillan
Informal meeting
Eric Carmody
Thank speaker and write up for Bulletin
Juris Jakovics
Astrida Upitis
Informal meeting
John Little
If you are not able to perform your allocated duty, please arrange a replacement and advise Acting President Bill. Please advise Stephen of any planned absences to avoid being rostered on while away.
Looking on the bright side of life
Cartoon courtesy of Facebook
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